Singleton Blog


May 01, 2020

Hello there, this is where it all started, on a quarantined sunday night. Always wanted to start and today was the day.

The why

You always need to have a clear why behind any proyect. The purpose of this blog is to bring you, fellow humans, the little knowledge that I have while I practice my writing and discourse. I’ve noticed that I have a lot of trouble explaining myself and I want to change that. I also have a great passion about a broad range of topics, from science to philosophy, I hope to share some of my insights on them and that you find them useful and interesting.

The name

Why is it called Singleton blog? You may ask. The answer is, because. This precise day I made a interview test and one of the questions was to find which design pattern implemented the following code.

public sealed class Pattern
    private static readonly object padlock = new object();  
    private static Pattern instance = null;  
    public static Pattern Instance  
            lock (padlock)  
                if (instance == null)  
                    instance = new Pattern();  
                return instance;  

If you have a private static variable and a public static getter of that variable, you may have a Singleton. The padlock is just fancy stuff for safer multithreading.
So, it’s a software design pattern, it sounds geeky and I like to think you can extrapolate its meaning to something along the lines of

A lone simple human, there is only one version and they’re it.

The who

I’m currently a male latino bilingual-ish straight agnostic software developer, tomorrow, who knows?

The wrapup

That’s it, I hope you find this after you’ve read some of my articles in the future and wanted to find the beggining, well my dear, thank you.

As you can see (I cannot right now) this was horrendous. This is proof that if you want to get better at something you need to start doing it.

Written by kejor, a lone simple vaccinated ape.

© 2020